Drop-In Teen Membership Program
The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke invites youth between the ages of 13 and 18 to our Teen Membership Program. The Program is a Drop-In Program which runs Tuesday through Thursday from 6pm - 9pm and all activities occur at 70 Nick Cosmos Way, Holyoke MA 01040. Transportation is provided at select locations around in Holyoke. The cost of the program is $25, payable over the course of the year.
Program activities:
- Recreation: Games, Arts & Crafts
- Education & Career: Help youth create aspirations for the future, providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement. We provide our members with homework help, reading club, college discussions and visits.
Swimming: Open swim, pool volleyball, pool basketball, seasonal kayaking and scuba-diving program
Sports: Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Non-Contact Boxing, Rock Climbing, Ping Pong and Pool
- Technology: Computer Graphics, Video Production, Digital Photography, xBOX & Playstation
- The Arts: Dance classes, Theater Groups
- Career Exploration: Resume Writing, Job Interviews, Internships, College Tours and much more!
- Leadership Clubs: Torch Club, Keystone Club
For more information, please call at 534-7366 or come to the Club for an application. All teens are Welcome at the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke!
- Online Application Click Here
- If you prefer to print our application
Program Focus On Character & Leadership...
Helping youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills for participating in the democratic process is the main thrust of these programs. They also develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community.