What is HELI?

The Holyoke Early Literacy Initiative (HELI) is a comprehensive, city-wide initiative designed to facilitate rapid and sustained improvement in early literacy as measured by the 3rd grade ELA MCAS. HELI engages schools, community organizations and families in a variety of ways to address the literacy crisis in Holyoke.

As a HELI Partner The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke is committed to:

  1. Providing an early literacy program, support or service.
  2. Engaging in a year-long self-study through the “Full Partnership Learning Community” to strengthen ONE aspect of their early literacy program design or delivery.
  3. Participating in city-wide workgroups to collectively develop strategies to align forces around: Family Engagement, Instructional Support, Attendance and Kindergarten Readiness.

Become a HELI Parent:

Parents are essential to the development of their child’s early literacy skills. We invite you to join other parents across the city who have made the commitment to support their child’s early literacy development by becoming a HELI parent. HELI parents commit to the following:

  1. Do one thing a day to support your child’s literacy development.
  2. Make sure your child attends school every day.
  3. Holyoke has a list of “On Track for Literacy” indicators for children from birth to 3rd grade.

The HELI Parent Commitment Forms can be found at The Main Club, Units or by clicking here. HELI has developed “On Track for Literacy” indicators for children birth to 3rd grade. These indicators are a resource for parents and the community. Click on the links below to access the indicators. “On Track for Literacy” indicators can be found The Main Club or Units. Please see below for “On Track Literacy” indicators for children of different ages (English and Spanish):


Indicators for Infants

Indicators for 1-Year-Olds

Indicators for 2-Year-Olds

Indicators for 3-Year-Olds

Indicators for 4-Year-Olds


Indicators for 5-Year-Olds

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